ANSUYA – Hot Combinations DVD



Hot Belly Dance Combinatons with Ansuya DVD / Video 

Afraid your belly dance choreographies are getting cold or your improvisations are uninspired? Spice up your belly dancing with hot new combinations from Ansuya! The fun belly dance combinations Ansuya teaches in this video include:

* Funky Temple
* Freezing Cobra
* Grapevine Snake
* Infinity Sway
* Tick-Tock-Ripple-Lock
* … and more!

Ansuya describes and demonstrates each combination, then teaches a complete breakdown of the technique, with plenty of repetition. Then Ansuya leads you through a dance drill using the combinations to practice transitions from combination to another. By the time you’re done, you will be able to use the combinations in your own belly dance choreographies or improvisations.

This belly dance video ends with a full, costumed performance by Ansuya!




BEST VALUE: Get two great Combos videos for one low price! click here for more information

Produced by Suzy Evans ~ IAMED
Producers of the Best Belly Dance Videos in the World!