Another outstanding instructional DVD from Leyla Jouvana “The Shimmy Queen!”
In this program, Leyla teaches technique for several popular belly dance moves, then adds more moves to them in multiple layers. You can do as many or as few as you feel comfortable with, then add more layers as you advance, making this DVD suitable for every level of dancer.
You will learn the Maya, Suheir Zaki, Half Hagala, Camel, Reverse Camel, Torso Rotations, and more! And each major segment includes an entire series of layers that you can do in place and traveling. Because of the great variety of layers and combinations, the movements taught in this program can be used in every part of your dance, from Chifti Telli to Drum Solo. And there is plenty of drilling to help you attain muscle memory and perfect your technique.
Also included is costumed performance to live music by Roland on Tabla, so you can see how both simple and complex layers can be used to add excitement and dimension to your dance.
Whether you are just beginning your belly dance journey, or have been dancing for years, this DVD will undoubtedly give you great new material and inspiration for your own performances.

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